wtseditor, Author at Welcome to Serbia

Your 8 Point Checklist to Starting an Ecommerce Business in Serbia

1. Start With Your Business Name
The first thing to do (after you decide what you want to sell, of course) is to choose a fabulous,
memorable business name that no one else is using. You can conduct a corporate name search to make sure it’s not already in use.
Our team of Serbian company formation consultants (WTS) can assist in these process.
2. Secure Your Domain Name and Website
Ideally, you’ll get your business name as your domain name, but if it’s not available, choose a URL that’s easy to say and spell, and relates to your business.
The design of your e-commerce site may be the biggest business expense you have. But you want to ensure that it’s not only visually appealing, but also functional.
Our local partners , web hosting experts will provide you with tailor-made recommendations.
3. Select The Best Business Structure and Register Your Business
An e-commerce registered in Serbia can be set up by both natural persons and legal entities. The
applicable legislation allows foreign investors to register an e-commerce business in Serbia.
Our team of Serbian company formation consultants (WTS) can assist in these stages.
Our lawyers are dedicated to finding the best solution for you.
4. Choose the right hosting package
All websites have to sit on a server somewhere. Choosing the right hosting package is important for more than one reason:
✔ Website speed
✔ Uptime and performance
✔ Shared hosting environments
Our local partners, web hosting experts will provide you with tailor-made
5. Choose the right e-commerce platform
Selecting the e-commerce platform that your website will run from is an incredibly important decision. There is a vast range of e-commerce platforms available, in the form of Software as a Service (SaaS) storefronts, off-the-shelf software, or bespoke solutions. Each has their own benefits and drawbacks.
Our local partners are specializing in designing, developing and implementing e-commerce platforms.
6. Secure an internet merchant account (IMA)
To make money online, you need to secure an internet ready bank account called an internet merchant account (IMA). High street banks can set these accounts up for you, although they have several requirements that you will need to meet to qualify for an account.
Our team of Serbian company formation consultants (WTS) can assist in these stages.
SIP and WTS banking experts will work with you to provide the best solutions.
We work with many International banks in Serbia and we will pick the proper one for you.
7. Choose a payment service provider (PSP)
Once you have an IMA for your business, you will need to decide on a payment service provider (PSP), otherwise known as a payment processor or payment gateway. Some banks will suggest a PSP when issuing the merchant account, but if possible it pays to shop around as the charge rates differ between them: it’s nearly always possible to find a cheaper deal.
Our local partners will integrate the World’s most commonly used payment gateways and methods into your online store: Stripe; PayPal; BrainTree; Visa/Mastercard/Amex.
8. Start Marketing Early
Even if you’re not up and running, it’s a good idea to set up social media profiles and writing content for your blog now so that you’re not starting from scratch Day 1 It’s important to plan your digital marketing activity and set aside some budget to help promote your website for the longer term. Build your brand and get found online with WTS full suite of digital marketing solutions.
SIP and WTS will provide you with the best consultation and premium service approach which includes:
✔Full legal support by our in house licensed lawyers
✔Consultation by ex-bankers from our team regarding your e-commerce business
✔Tailored Marketing Solutions
✔Accounting & Tax Services
✔24/7 support in English, Russian, Spanish and Turkish
Swiss International Partners – In partnership with Welcome to Serbia
Please contact us for more information.
Email: info@swissinternationalpartners.com

9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Invest in Crypto Currencies

Bitcoin Actively Managed Certificate
The smarter way to invest in Crypto Currency
We are convinced of the relevance of holding Crypto Currency from a long-term perspective.

We believe in market efficiency, which means, everybody should able to access every market without technical or psychological barriers.

The Swiss Actively Managed Certificate provides investors a means of participating in the Crypto Currency market while lowering those barriers to entry such as exchange access, custody, and execution costs.
SIP enables investors to gain dynamic exposure to Crypto Currencies trough a managed certification integrated to your portfolio and visible in your banking or brokerage statements.

The investment objective of the AMC is to achieve high yield return by on selected Crypto Currencies as well as to participate in a rising Crypto Currency market.

The Certificate is designed to reinvest obtained rewards over a period of six months to profit from compounding effects.

These virtual currencies are known for their extreme volatility, but on the flip side also for their high returns.

In order to reduce volatility, the portfolio is at least 60% composed of Bitcoin with the balance in USD.

9 Reasons Why Now is the Best Time to Invest in Crypto Currencies

  • Securitization of all Digital Assets + ICO
  • Instant Set-up (from 30 days)
  • Swiss Security (Swiss ISIN)
  • Off-Balance Sheet
  • Individual Issuance Vehicles
  • Regulatory Compliant
  • Choice of Broker/Custodian
  • Swiss Paying Agent
  • Swiss safety: Enjoy the security of a regulated and listed Swiss bank
Investing in Crypto Currencies has never been easier.
Please contact us for more information.
Phone number: +381600622942 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram).
Email: info@swissinternationalpartners.com

Why you should set up Branch Office in Serbia remotely?

The Branch Office is one of the more streamlined business structures a company has at its disposal when exploring the possibility of expanding its activities abroad.
There are many benefits to opening a branch office in Serbia such as:
1. Greater Level of Control
A branch office is known as a dependent type of company, which means that its
activities are entirely managed by the parent company in terms of the decision-
making process. The branch does not have the status of a legal entity, and in legal
transactions, it acts on behalf and for the account of the company.
Due to this, the branch cannot become a subject of the suit, bankruptcy and
2. Tax benefits
From a taxation point of view, a branch office is often a better choice when compared
to a subsidiary company.
  • Funds received on behalf of the main company are not subjected to taxation.
  • The Branch of the foreign company has its tax number and is treated as a
  • resident.
  • Tax optimization and double taxation avoidance agreements with 64 countries.
  • Funds received on behalf of the main company are not subjected to taxation.
3. Easy Bank Account Opening
According to the Law on Foreign Exchange Operations, the foreign companies’
branches are residents and they operate via their resident bank accounts in Serbia.
After registering a Branch office in Serbia, bank calmly refers to the new structure as a
resident and are ready to open it account immediately.
4. Residency in Serbia
A legal representative of the branch does not have to be Serbian resident and may
apply for Serbian residency on this basis.
5. Cost-Effective Locations
  • Low maintenance costs from 100 EUR/month.
  • Average salaries in Serbia ensure cost-effective operating costs.
As a responsible company, to prevent the spread of Covid-19, we decided to do the work from home. 
Being that client satisfaction was always a priority for us, in the previous days we
made all the necessary preparations to create remote business solutions.
Therefore, we do not have the slightest dilemma that in this situation we will be up to the task and remain a reliable partner to all our associates around the world.
We invite you to take care of your health and work from your home.
We prepared the ultimate protection.
Keep up the productivity no matter where you are.
Stay safe.
Email: mm@welcometoserbia.org,
Mob:+381 60 062 29 42 (WhatsApp,Viber, Telegram)

Take steps to protect yourself!

Our Team is always ready to offer the best business solutions for clients.
We developed remote services in response to save our clients time.

Now, we want to show you that we are ready to offer you the safest services.

Postpone all your business meetings and trips, stay home.
Do not panic, we will take care of your business.

We prepared ultimate protection.

Company + bank account + remote procedure = 6.400  = 2.900

Keep up the productivity no matter where you are.

By providing expert knowledge, support and service from Family Office along with other forms of support, the Welcome to Serbia team can help you every step of the way.

Call us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org
We help you protect your funds.

Banking in Serbia – The last stand of privacy protection!


What is CRS?

CRS or Common Reporting Standard is a globally accepted standard for the automatic exchange of financial information. It was developed by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).

CRS requires that banks and other financial institutions identify it’s customers tax residencies and report financial accounts held directly or indirectly by foreign tax residents to local tax authorities. It also requires tax authorities (in participating countries) to exchange this information.

There are 104 countries that accepted this standard and new participants join each year.

Is there still countries where this set of rules do not apply?

The answer is yes!

Serbia is still not one of 104 countries that signed AEOI convention. It is not even on the list of countries that set a date to join.

Benefits of such system are obvious.

What also should be highlighted when talking on this subject is the fact that there are 27 banks currently operating in Serbia.

Most of them are branches of major European, Russian, Turkish and worldwide banking groups and they are able to provide full range of banking services.

Those are the main reasons that Serbia is considered as one of the most interesting destinations for individuals and companies that are planing business relocation and tax optimization.

More and more companies, not only from EU and CIS countries, but also from jurisdictions that have been until recently considered as safe havens, are now looking for better and safer solution.

Many of them found that solution in a form of local Serbian company or by establishing a branch of an existing foreign comapny in Serbia.

And for many of them Welcome to Serbia is the key part of the solution.

You can contact us for more information today!

Call us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org
We help you protect your funds.

Start your dream business💡

Serbia still offers very favorable conditions for company formation as compared to other European countries.

Corporate tax is only 15%, which is still among the lowest in the Europe.

Over the past 4 years Serbia took steps to further improve political and economic stability.
In order to reverse the Serbia`s trend of economic growth driven by import and consumption, and put the country on a dynamic and sustainable growth path, led by investments and exports, it was necessary to carry out economic reforms consisting of macroeconomic stabilization and improving the business climate.

The infrastructure in Serbia (transportation, utilities, online banking, etc.) is as developed as in any Western-European country, while living costs are significantly lower, which makes company operation in Serbia really cost-effective.
Company formation itself takes only a few workdays.
Contact us today to make the first step toward company formation in Europe.

Using our experience and expert knowledge, our team will help you plan and optimize your business and save money using advantages of tax laws and regulations.

Grow your business freely.

By providing expert knowledge, support and Family Office service along with other forms of support, Welcome to Serbia team can help you every step of the way.
Call us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org

Banking solutions everyone needs!

Financial and banking markets of Europe have undergone some drastic changes in the last 10 years.  Traditional safe and private banking is practically extinct.

Bank just closed your account? You cannot move or use your own money?

Like many others you are now in search of a banking solution that can offer not only safety of funds and range of modern banking services, but also a solution for worldwide trend of data exchange.

One of most interesting jurisdictions now is Serbia. Still relatively unknown but quite stable country, with long banking tradition and possibilities for business development.

If you decide on Serbia as a new parking lot for your assets, Association Welcome to Serbia will help you settle and develop your business.

You can just relax and follow our lead.

Serbia as a country in development is very open to all investors and business on an international level, so after moving money to Serbia, it is very common for clients to seek opportunities for business development in this part of the world.

By providing expert knowledge, support and Family Office service along with other forms of support, Welcome to Serbia team can help you every step of the way.

Call us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org
We help you protect your funds.

Guide to Doing Business in Serbia✔

Do you want to start a profitable business in Serbia as a foreigner?
Over the past years, Serbia has been experiencing a steady economic growth and an increasing level of foreign direct investments.

There has been a noticeable progress in the overall business environment, additionally influenced by maintaining the stability of both the exchange rate and the inflation.
The major contributors to the economy of Serbia are the Construction Industry, the Mining Industry, the textile industry, the chemical industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the automobile industry, the food processing industry and the agriculture sector.

First important thing is that the economy of Serbia liberal and enjoys loads of foreign investors.
Second important thing is that, actually you don’t need a guide to doing business in Serbia!
You only need 1 thing: Association Welcome to Serbia!
With us you can protect your funds and use them freely!
With us you can develop your business!
With us you can extend your business!
With our assistance you can even relocate you and your family to Serbia!
There is no end of the list of our services! Rely on us and we will show you the brighter side of the business.

You can find us in the most beautiful part of Belgrade – Dorćol.  Finding our office, will be easy, since the Dorcol is one of the 10 coolest neighbourhoods in Europe!

WTS team is always opened for the guests who are looking for a solution, do not hesitate to visit us. We will be more than glad to show you that bureaucracy can be so easy and interesting!
Let us be your light light at the end of the tunnel!

By providing expert knowledge, support and Family Office service along with other forms of support, Welcome to Serbia team can help you every step of the way.
all us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org
We help you protect your funds.

Why you should move your Crypto Business to Serbia?🤔

Legal regulations for crypto activity are changing. These amendments are putting pressure on businesses making it very difficult to work and trade with cryptocurrency.

Please allow us to introduce jurisdiction flexible enough to provide banking solution even for the high risk clients. No matter if clients is considered to be a high risk client because of his Jurisdiction, structure or activity like crypto Serbia has and is a solution.

Key word for Serbian market and banking system is flexibility.

Let us quickly check the facts about Serbia and Estonia⬇



What we believe inspires us who we are and what we do!

By providing expert knowledge, support and Family Office service along with other forms of support, Welcome to Serbia team can help you every step of the way.

Call us at + 381 60 0622942
Write us at online@welcometoserbia.org
We have a solution, make your business trouble-free.