Residence permit by Company Formation
6 Key points of Serbian residency:
Frequently asked questions
How long does it take to get residence permit?
14 days, but the applicant must be present for the first three days to register an address, to apply for residency and to have an interview. After that he/she must come for one more day to get the residency visa.
Do I need to rent apartment before I get residence permit?
No. We can provide you with a temporary address for a monthly fee, until you get residence permit, then you can choose to rent an house/flat/apartment or to use our address for residency purposes for a yearly fee.
What is the price for renting an apartment in Serbia?
Prices start from 200 EUR per month. We can search for one if you want. Please see our charges and fees.
Can I bring my family to Serbia? What are the age limits for family reunification?
Yes. We can arrange this for you. You can bring minor children as family gathering and/or for school reasons. For your parents the best solution is to by the real estate as legal ground for residence.
Do I need medical and pensions insurance in order to get residence permit?
Yes, medical insurance is necessary. Foreign medical insurance is acceptable in Serbia. Pension insurance is not necessary.
Does my family need medical insurance in case I want to bring them to Serbia?
Yes, medical insurance is necessary for family members.
How many times do I need to VISIT SERBIA in order to maintain my residence permit?
You need to come only once a year for 3-4 days to apply for or renew the temporary residence.
What if a person is denied for the extension of residency status? Is it possible to re-apply?
It is possible to re-apply.
Do I become a tax resident of Serbia if I am a temporary or permanent resident?
You are considered a tax resident. Serbian Tax Administration issues certificates of tax residency in regards to Agreements on Double Taxation Avoidance with respective countries. Serbia has concluded the mentioned agreements with almost all European countries. If you prefer to be a tax resident elsewhere just bring tax residency confirmation from another country.
What are my obligations as tax resident?
To submit tax declaration up to 31th of March in the year, following the calendar year in which you have been tax resident. We can help you to do it properly. Do not hesitate to contact us.
Can I get resident status if my criminal records are not clear?
It is possible, however Serbia is an Interpol member and has extradition agreements with all European states.
Can I get Serbian driving license?
If you are coming from EU and European countries your international driving license (known as “green card”) is recognized. In other case, you should pass practical driving exam and you will have to pass theory exam in Serbian as well.
Is it possible to apply for a residence permit through an extramarital union with a Serbian citizen?
Yes, it is possible.
Is it possible to apply for a residence permit with a Visa C?
No, it is not possible. It is required to apply with Visa D.
Can we send an invitation letter to obtain a Visa D?
Yes, we also provide this service to our clients.