First 5 reasons why to study in Serbia » Welcome to Serbia

First 5 reasons why to study in Serbia

study-in-serbia-slide061. A recognized diploma in the world

What you can be sure of when enrolling at some of the Serbian faculties is that the diplomas you acquire at the end of your studies are recognized in a larger number of countries, both Europe and the rest of the world.

And for those particularly picky, faculties In Serbia they can boast an incredibly large number of signed cooperation agreements with International faculties. This option gives you the opportunity to start your higher education in Serbia, and as you wish, you can continue it at some of the partner Universities.

As partner Universities, Serbia has signed cooperation agreements with universities from : Italy, Austria, Belgium, Spain, China, Japan, Greece and many other countries of the world.

2. A large number of universities

What Serbia has on offer is 4 state universities with over 70 faculties that are incorporated in them. Also what is commendable is strong private faculties that we can say tthat successfully follow all of the European and World standards.

Also, there are a large number of faculties that offer accredited English language education programs, among which are:

  • Medical School,
  • Faculty of Economics ,
  • Architectural Faculty and many others.

In addition to Bachelor academic studies, Master Academic Studies as well as Doctoral Studies can be available in English language.

3. Low tuition fees

According to the latest research, tuition fees at Serbian universities are among the lowest in the world. Of course, this does not mean that education alone is in any way damaged, as is shown by numerous awards that students from Serbia conquer at various international competitions.

Prices depend on the choice of the desired faculty, but range from 2,100 euros per year to 10,000 euros per year at some of the most prestigious faculties in Serbia.

Also, Serbia has developed a program called “The World in Serbia” that offers students from non-aligned countries to come to Serbia, learn the Serbian language and enroll in the desired faculties, and this is completely FREE. Namely, students from these countries will be financed from the state budget for staying, studying and living during their studies in Serbia.

4. Amusing student life

If you decide to start your higher education at some of the Serbian faculties, we can say that two things are guaranteed to you.

First, you will meet friends for a lifetime. It is widely known that the people of Serbia are well-intentioned and extremely hospitable, so you can count on the fact that you will be accepted in Serbia.

In the second place, you can find an overwhelming student and night life with all its privileges. Namely, students in Serbia have at their disposal numerous discounts for various services, from lending books at the national library, through benefits offered for transport of the students in the city, to restaurants that can offer you prices that are on an enviable level.

5. Affordable prices of life in Serbia

Serbia can praise that it is one of the most convenient places to live, and that’s exactly what makes it ideal for the life of students. This is a privilege with which few other countries can boast. Compared to other countries, living costs in Serbia are much lower.

If finances are an important factor in your choice where you will start your higher education and gain a university degree, Serbia can definitely provide you with some of the best prices.

The author of the text:
Antonina Dragutinović
Assotiation Welcome to Serbia,
Study in Serbia program

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