If you own a company, real estate or funds and you are not currently able to manage it directly, we can offer a solution to protect your assets and interests.
Depending on your needs, assets can be managed, controlled and preserved by:
- Giving a power of attorney. Giving our attorney the power to manage your immovable and movable property.
- Authorising our legal representative (natural or legal person) to represent and manage your company.
- Completely reorganizing the structure of ownership over your property by the means of a special legal form – endowment (it is the same as a trust and foundation in the West), where all the client’s assets can be owned by the endowment regardless of their location.
- Will and inheritance.
You remain the only owner of your assets and our attorney or legal representative manages solely in compliance with your orders and instructions.
fter holding a meeting and consultations with you, we will send you an opinion and a suggestion which is the best and the most efficient way to manage and preserve your assets.
- An attorney authorised to manage your immovable and movable property
An attorney can be authorised to conduct a limited or broad spectrum of activities on behalf of the principal, based on a special, i.e., general power of attorney.
Depending on whether the power of attorney is given to conduct activities related to state or private entities, i.e., third parties, the powers of attorney do not have to be given by the principal within an internal procedure of the given state or private entities. Instead, they can be submitted by the attorney given that the power of attorney has previously been certified by a competent notary public and, if necessary, legalized, i.e., apostilled and also translated into a local official language.
The powers of attorney are, among other things, given for the purpose of representation in relation to bank accounts i.e., to manage and control them, to act before the state administration and tax bodies in respect of personal income, disposal of real estate, tax liabilities, maintaining real estate – in relation to the providers of public utility services, cadastre, law and accounting firms, and other state or private entities.
- A legal representative (natural or legal person), authorised to manage your company
A legal representative (CEO) is a person managing your company affairs but does not perform those duties at his discretion. The aforementioned party acts strictly in compliance with the instructions of the real owner with whom it has a contractual relationship and in compliance with local laws.
If the owner wants that, the appointed CEO can have broader authorities but the real owner will still be able to replace the CEO or revoke his decision at any time.
A legal entity can be a legal company representative as well.
The CEO of that legal entity shall delegate a person to sign all the documents of your company on behalf of the legal entity – legal representative and perform all other activities necessary to manage the company.
- Turning property and capital into the property and capital of an endowment registered in Serbia.
A special legal form called endowment, registered under the laws of the Republic of Serbia, allows the accumulation of property and capital, which have been invested, i.e., gained by the decision of the endowment founder and which, after becoming the property of the endowment, shall no longer be considered the founder’s property. Although the founder remains in control over the invested property and capital, the endowment protects them from any third parties’ pretensions in legal transactions.
Having in mind that the endowment activity is determined by the founder and in the interest of the founder, members of his family or third parties, the founder issues internal documents determining the spectrum of goals for the realization of which are used the assets, which makes this legal form complete in terms of risk protection, control and flexibility.
- Will and inheritance
Testamentary inheritance will enable you to dispose of your property and be sure that your relatives will be protected.
We will make sure that your testamentary will is valid in terms of business testamentary capacity, substantive issues of the testamentary inheritance and form.
When it comes to foreign nationals’ estate in Serbia, consisting of real estate located on the territory of Serbia, the only applicable law is the law of the Republic of Serbia.
When it comes to foreign nationals’ estate in Serbia, consisting of movable property located on the territory of Serbia, the applicable laws include but are not limited to the law of the Republic of Serbia.
We can offer you these services also for your property located in Switzerland, Andorra and other European countries.
Procedure and pricing:
If you are currently outside of Serbia, you can appoint an attorney or a legal representative by giving a power of attorney.
The fee for our services will be determined based on the best proposed solution for property management and it could be expressed as:
- a fixed monthly or annual amount
- a percentage relative to the value of the managed property or
- a one-time fee based only on the agreed and taken actions, without the need to pay fixed fees.
In the best interest of your relatives and in order to be responsible towards the years of making effort to obtain property, we recommend you to decide who will dispose of your property in a timely manner considering the current turbulent events.
Our team that consists of layers, bankers, accountants and international consultants can help you to manage and protect your property in Serbia, so do not hesitate to contact us for any questions.
For more information, please feel free to contact us.
nb@welcometoserbia.org or +381601849443 (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram).