Schott Pharma, a renowned German pharmaceutical company, has initiated the construction of its new manufacturing facility in Jagodina, Serbia. The groundbreaking ceremony, held on Wednesday, was graced by company representatives, the German Ambassador, and prominent state and local officials. This expansion is part of Schott Pharma’s strategy to extend its global manufacturing network, with a significant investment in the double-digit millions in euros earmarked for this new site in the Pomoravlje District.
The facility, strategically located in central Serbia, is dedicated to producing ampoules, essential for storing injectable medications like painkillers, anti-inflammatory analgesics, and anesthetics. Preparatory work for ampoule production is slated to begin in 2024, with flexibility to diversify into other product groups depending on market demand.
Andreas Reisse, CEO of Schott Pharma, emphasized the move as a strategic enhancement of the company’s footprint in Southeast Europe, aiming to meet regional client needs with increased production flexibility. Denis Nikitin, the plant’s director, revealed plans to fill over 130 positions at the outset, with total employment expected to reach 350 in the coming years.
Tomislav Momirović, Minister of Internal and External Trade, highlighted the significant presence of German companies in Serbia, noting over 1,000 German firms employing more than 76,000 people. He underscored Serbia’s leading position in foreign direct investments from Germany, representing 12.8% of the country’s total.
Dragan Marković Palma, President of the Jagodina City Assembly, expressed gratitude to Schott Pharma for its trust in Jagodina, pledging full logistical support and cooperation. His remarks reinforced the city’s pride in hosting a major international company and affirmed Serbia’s status as a safe and promising destination for investors.